are you work at office ? are you linux user ? What office suite did you used ? For the few question is very general. for this actifities i'm using open office suite. this is a complete office on linux.

I can write my documen on open office writer. presented my job on impress. and calculate the general economic on calc. if you are linux user, lets work on open office.. GO opem source..


Yeseterday i was installed KUBUNTU 9.10 on my younger brother laptop. Why i installed KUBUNTU ? the reason is whe i in gnome desktop the desktop is not colorfull. So i try to install KUBUNTU for looking the diferent. And i was happy, is not dissapointed me, well i'm satisfied in KUBUNNTU...Tautan

For me overall on KUBUNTU is very nice, but not on Package manager. Is not a synaptic and very simple.


today iam chat with my friend on kopete. i very happy cause kopete give me a beatifull look with his interface. why i chose kopete ? this is a reason :

1. customable
2. beatifull theme
3. support many protocol
4. easy install
5. stabil

if you agree with my reason, then you want install in your linux. folow this step :
#in ubuntu
run gnome terminal, alt + F2 then type "gnome-terminal"
if the windows have opened, type this instruction

$sudo apt-get install kopete

now you can enjoy chat in your machine with kopete..

