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Operating System work generaly with hardware and software. For general actifity, user must install them before running. But linux direfent with other, they can try before install on PC or Laptop.

This feature is named "LIVE CD". user can runninf linux form CD and then boot from this media. actualy now this feture growth with other mehtod. the name is "LIVE USB", the media in use is USB pendrive. So you can try linux from now without warranty.


We can do anything with linux. Everyday, everytime ofcource whenever if you want. Linux released with more purpose. we can choose which linux are suitable.

many category in there :
  1. office
  2. game
  3. scient
  4. education
  5. entertainment
  6. multimedia
  7. network
  8. etc

so you can choose from now.


Linux is very simple to use. You can find theme many site for each distribution. for information of linux was released, visit this link distrowact.

On linux you have many advantages. First you can using it for free every time in you need. Second, you not need a big machine to run your linux. Third, you will fund many member of linux in the world. So, why you not try to life with Linux.
